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#+-| 8.5.7 |-----------------------------+####################################
#| +-------+ /V Symbol Space Buffer Size |####################################
###########+---| Description |-------------------------------------+##########
###########| FORCE compiler initializes a 16k buffer for symbols.  |##########
###########| If a large application is being compiled, symbol      |##########
###########| space can be adjusted by using the /V switch.  If     |##########
###########| the error:                                            |##########
###########|               Internal variable buffer full.          |##########
###########|                                                       |##########
###########| appears during compile time, the symbol space must    |##########
###########| be adjusted using the /V switch.                      |##########
###########| ----------------------------------------------------- |##########
###########| The symbol space is used by the compiler only, not    |##########
###########| the runtime .exe file.  Adjusting the /V parameter    |##########
###########| does not affect the resulting size of the .exe file   |##########
###########| or the RAM available to the program at runtime.       |##########
#########+--| Examples |--------------------------------------------+#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| FORCE  /V30000 menu.prg                                  |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| FORCE  /Ic:\big\hdr /V42000 /Oa:\%1.obj %1.prg           |#########

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This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson